
Stručica Monument Site

The Stručica monument got its name from the part of the Rakovac region it’s located in. It is dedicated to the fallen fighters who died by the hand of the occupator in 1942. The most famous of which was national hero Stanko Paunović Veljko, as well as commandant Đorđe Marković Đilas and Zencel Hunjadi also called as Franja the Messenger.

The monument was built at the beginning of the 70s. The three columns that reach for the sky represent the three fallen soldiers. The author is Mirko Krstonošić. You can get to the monument from Stanko Paunović Veljko street, next to the famous Rakovac archeological site called Gradina.

Place: Rakovac

on the map location

  • Lat: 45.2065767
  • Long: 19.7601763
  • Alt: 135 m

