Terms of Use
Thanks for visiting our website. We kindly ask that you read the terms of use and the regulations contained in this document.
Use of and access to the content of the website fruskac.net is provided to you per the terms and conditions below and the legislation governing this type of content. Each time you (the user) access the site fruskac.net or any part thereof shall be considered that the you are familiar with all the terms of use and potential risks arising from the use of this internet portal, and you accept them in full and without restrictions.
If you do not accept these terms of use in full and without limitation, please exit Fruskac.net.
The website fruskac.net (hereinafter referred to as Site), all copyrights and other intellectual property rights in all text, logos, designs, graphics, images, audio material and other materials on fruskac.net (hereinafter referred to as Content) are the property of fruskac.net or are a part of content with approval from the license holder or authorized by the right holder.
Use of Content, other than as described in these terms of use without the written permission of the owner is strictly prohibited. You can get permission to post all or part of the content on your website at [email protected].
Any unauthorized use of the site and its content is considered a violation of the aforementioned rights and will result in the initiation of appropriate judicial procedures. Complete copy content is under the protection of the current Law on Copyright and Related Rights.
In case you notice content on the site fruskac.net that you think is protected by copyright or that the author erroneously labeled, please let us know at [email protected] so we can take apropriate measures to correct the error.
Using and Sharing
You cannot change the content of the site in any way, or reproduce, sell, transmit, publicly display, distribute or protect it as your intellectual property rights, or otherwise use it for public or commercial purposes without the written consent / permission Fruskac. net.
You are forbidden to use the content for the site with the goal to acquire any kind of property rights.
The materials on this site are protected by copyright and any unauthorized use may violate copyright, trademark or other laws.
Fruskac.net authorizes you to view and download material from this site only for your personal, non-commercial, informal, non-profit purposes, provided that you do not remove, add, or modify any information (including copyright notices and other proprietary notices) which is contained in the payload.
As per the stated above, the transfer and use of the site content is protected http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ license.
The content of the site can not be used in an unacceptable, offensive or illegal manner.
The accuracy, completeness, timeliness of information and limitation of liability
Fruskac.net site content is made solely for information purposes.
Fruskac.net invested due diligence to determine the origin of the information, its veracity, and completeness, but fruskac.net in no way claims that the content on the site is accurate, correct or authentic.
The information provided on the site fruskac.net should not be construed as advice for decision-making, and can not be subject to any obligations of the site to site visitors, but the same are provided on the basis that all persons who access the site take responsibility for assessing the relevance and accuracy of parts of or entire texts.
Changes to the site fruskac.net may be made periodically at any time, without notice. Also, it is not certain whether and how often the information presented will be updated. Fruskac.net makes no commitment to update the information regularly.
Exclusion of Liability
Use Fruskac.net at your own risk. Fruskac.net is not responsible for material or immaterial damages, direct or indirect, or any form of damage resulting from the use of or in connection with any use of the Site or its contents.
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Site Content may contain links that refer you to other web sites. In these cases frukac.net is not responsible for the privacy, the content, accuracy and security of these sites.
Links to our site are placed in good faith, or for the sake of providing complete information. If you access the site via such a link, which is set to fruskac.net, you do so at your own risk.
Fruskac.net can publish video and text files that are located on You Tube, Vimeo and other similar services, however, fruskac.net is not responsible for displaying the content published after the end of the published clip that is connected - "related" content.
Privacy Policy, setting up content on the site and code of conduct
Fruskac.net respects the privacy of visitors.
Fruskac.net does not collect personal information from its visitors. The site is structured so that when you visit you do not have to identify yourself or leave any personal information except when you want to. If you do, the data exchange with fruskac.net is in the database that is protected in the best possible way. The collected personal information (eg, your name, address, phone number, email address) will not be disclosed to third parties, unless such disclosure is required by law. Any other communication or content that you leave at fruskac.net will not be considered confidential information and will not be protected.
Fruskac.net respects the privacy of visitors.
Fruskac.net does not collect personal information from its visitors. The site is structured so that when you visit you do not have to identify yourself or leave any personal information except when you want to. If you do, the data exchange with fruskac.net is in the database that is protected in the best possible way. The collected personal information (eg, your name, address, phone number, email address) will not be disclosed to third parties, unless such disclosure is required by law. Any other communication or content that you leave at fruskac.net will not be considered confidential information and will not be protected.
By placing content on fruskac.net you accept that this material must not contain anything that is unlawful or otherwise unfit for publication and that you own the material or have the unlimited right to provide it to us, and fruskac.net may publish the material for free, with no obligations or liability.
Fruškac.net will not and can not review the content that users set up and is not responsible for such content. Fruskac.net may at any time at its discretion remove any content posted by users. Fruskac.net reserves the right not to publish comments of visitors if they are offensive or contrary to the provisions of the Law on Public Information.
In addition to the above, visitors are still strictly forbidden to do the following:
a) Sending, publishing and exchanging messages that violate the existing Serbian and / or international laws (abusive, obscene, vulgar, threatening, racist or sexist messages, and messages that are harmful in any other way);
b) sending, publishing and exchanging information that the visitor knows or suspects to be false, and whose use could cause damage to other users;
c) Misrepresentation;
d) Publishing, sending and exchanging texts are protected by copyright;
e) Publishing, sending and exchanging unwanted information from users without their consent or request, or by deception;
f) Knowingly publishing, sending and exchanging messages containing viruses or similar programs designed for the purpose of destroying or limiting the operation of any computer software and / or hardware and telecommunications equipment;
g) The collection, storage and disclosure of personal information of other portal visitors and users;
h) Any form of advertising without the express written consent / permission Fruskac.net on the site and in visitor comments.
In case the user, contrary to the above, however, posts banned content, the site administrator of fruskac.net will in the shortest possible time remove the offensive content in question, but in the case of real inability to act, fruskac.net is not responsible for such content, nor does it approve such content.
Fruskac.net not responsible for visitor comments which are an expression of their opinions.
When you visit the site fruskac.net you necessarily leave user data that is not personally identifiable such as you IP address, operating system version and so on. This information is compiled in a database and used solely for statistical presentation. Fruskac.net will be able to use cookies files with the aim of improving the functionalities and presenting content. This data are also not of a personal nature. If you do not want fruskac.net to access cookies on your browser, you can always block access to the fruskac.net domain from your browser.
If you need more information or have questions regarding our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]
Changes, additions and contractual jurisdiction
Fruskac.net may at any time amend or supplement the terms of use. Each listed amendment shall enter into force on the day of its publication, unless otherwise specified in the amendment or supplement.
In the case of a disputed situation the user is required to first try to resolve the dispute amicably, and if not possible, to resolve any disputes that may arise in connection with the contract terms of use with the territorial jurisdiction of the competent court in Novi Sad.
Last Edit: March 7th, 2015.